Connect to the Tapestry of Your Soul

My passion and love for life have always been a driving force behind my work. I am dedicated to working with people to help them realise their full potential and authentic truth. 

Samantha smiling and playing guitar

About Samantha Claire

Awaken Your Truth

Samantha’s work is centred around recovering the balance and trust within our bodies and reconnecting to our hearts as a source of inner power and wisdom. Her work looks at ways to awaken freedom within by working with past traumas. She runs Deep Meditation Retreats around Europe and South Africa.


Deep Meditation

Deep Meditation retreats offer profound insights and healing which can assist in releasing of old belief patterns and traumas. These sessions offer great opportunities for personal enquiry, healing and restoring connection between our inner masculine and feminine. Samantha’s approach is shamanic and she works with healing modalities from the Amazon.

meditation dome in sweden

Upcoming Retreats

Deep Meditation Retreat

25 – 28th January 2024


I really wanted to say how grateful my soul is for meeting you and experiencing your tenderness and grace. You have touched the deepest fabric of my being. Your music has also ignited so much passion inside my soul and I have been playing my guitar so much because of YOU!


Samantha was quite brilliant in many amazing ways. She gave me guidance and great support during the Deep Meditation. She truly knows what she’s doing and it was during one of her retreats that I discovered the truly divine being I am. I’m eternally grateful to Samantha for her work.


Thank you for facilitating such an amazing ceremony in Sweden, and for channelling the rituals and wisdom of our ancestors in such a beautiful way. It was the most magical in-and-out of body spiritual orgasm I have ever had.



Integration… To “Make Whole”

Integration… To “Make Whole”

 Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.- Brené BrownThe last eight months have allowed for needed integration...

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Queen in the Diamond Sky

Queen in the Diamond Sky

No one can prepare you for the day you get that phone call to say that your mother has died. It was Monday the 15th of June and I had just been for a lovely run and swim in the ocean and was sitting in my favourite café about to embark on some work. I phoned her that...

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Lockdown – The Big Divide?

Lockdown – The Big Divide?

It all happened so quickly. Almost four weeks since lockdown started in Copenhagen, I find myself in deep reflection of what is, what was, and what is yet to come. I feel there is so much to say and so little to say at the same time. Each one of us is going through...

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