Drum & Sound Healing Journeys
Drum & Sound Healing Journeys
The power of Sound Healing, Drumming and Meditation is at our fingertips to help us improve our thinking, feeling and being.
I offer my unique Sound Healing Journeys to guide you to meet new and unexplored parts of yourself. With this comes connection to your authentic self and there one can enter confidence, strength, and wisdom that has always been there. It’s just about remembering.
Sound Journeys are the most effortless way to release old pain, fear, anxiety, confusion and doubt and connect to our divinity.
Effects or Benefits
• Fast stress reduction
• Clarity about decisions
• Removing confusion and doubt
• Reconnecting to natural inner strength
• Protection from unfriendly distractions and focus
• Getting to know our subconscious and activating commanding compassionate self
• Finding inner peace with an inner understanding of the big picture of life
• Clearing the path to build bridges in relationships
• Better intuition
• Confidence