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Elevate Wellness & Mindfulness: Yoga- og lydterapi, traumehealing og meditation

Samantha er drevet af en kærlighed til livet og brænder for at arbejde med mennesker for at hjælpe dem med at realisere deres fulde potentiale og autentiske sandhed.

Om Samantha Claire

Væk din sandhed

Samanthas arbejde er centreret om at genfinde balancen og tilliden i vores kroppe og genoprette forbindelsen til vores hjerter som en kilde til indre kraft og visdom. Hendes arbejde ser på, hvordan man kan vække indre frihed ved at arbejde med tidligere traumer. Hun afholder Deep Meditation Retreats rundt om i Europa og Sydafrika.


Dyb meditation

Retreats med dyb meditation giver dyb indsigt og healing, som kan hjælpe med at frigøre gamle overbevisningsmønstre og traumer. Disse sessioner giver gode muligheder for personlig undersøgelse, healing og genoprettelse af forbindelsen mellem vores indre maskuline og feminine. Samanthas tilgang er shamanistisk, og hun arbejder med healingsmetoder fra Amazonas.


“Jeg vil virkelig gerne sige, hvor taknemmelig min sjæl er for at have mødt dig og oplevet din ømhed og ynde. Du har rørt ved det dybeste stof i mit væsen. Din musik har også antændt så meget lidenskab i min sjæl, og jeg har spillet så meget på min guitar på grund af dig!”


“Samantha var helt genial på mange fantastiske måder. Hun gav mig vejledning og stor støtte under den dybe meditation. Hun ved virkelig, hvad hun laver, og det var under et af hendes retreats, at jeg opdagede det virkelig guddommelige væsen, jeg er. Jeg er Samantha evigt taknemmelig for hendes arbejde.”


“Tak, fordi du faciliterede sådan en fantastisk ceremoni i Sverige, og fordi du kanaliserede vores forfædres ritualer og visdom på sådan en smuk måde. Det var den mest magiske spirituelle orgasme i og uden for kroppen, jeg nogensinde har haft.”

When challenges come, remember: they’re not here to break you, but to build you. Trust in your ability to overcome and grow.

What’s a challenge you’ve faced that helped you discover your strength? Share below—I’d love to hear your story💫

#MayaAngelou #Resilience #RiseAbove #InnerStrength #GrowthThroughChallenges #Inspiration #PersonalGrowth"

When challenges come, remember: they’re not here to break you, but to build you. Trust in your ability to overcome and grow.

What’s a challenge you’ve faced that helped you discover your strength? Share below—I’d love to hear your story💫

#MayaAngelou #Resilience #RiseAbove #InnerStrength #GrowthThroughChallenges #Inspiration #PersonalGrowth"

Resilience is more than just a survival mechanism. 

It’s not just about getting through tough times, but about accepting  the experiences as opportunities for growth. 
By shifting our mindset from survival to a proactive embrace of life’s complexities, we can begin by embracing the discomfort which is essential for growth. 
It’s through our struggles that we uncover our strength and capacity for transformation. 

Similarly, navigating the complexities of our experiences can deepen our understanding of ourselves and our relationships. 

When we shift our focus from surviving to thriving, we not only cultivate emotional resilience but also open ourselves to a richer, more fulfilling life. It’s in this beautiful transition that we discover our  potential and deepen our connections with the world around us. 

Thriving means embracing challenges as pathways to greater self-awareness and fulfilment, allowing us to emerge stronger and more capable than before.

Resilience is more than just a survival mechanism.

It’s not just about getting through tough times, but about accepting the experiences as opportunities for growth.
By shifting our mindset from survival to a proactive embrace of life’s complexities, we can begin by embracing the discomfort which is essential for growth.
It’s through our struggles that we uncover our strength and capacity for transformation.

Similarly, navigating the complexities of our experiences can deepen our understanding of ourselves and our relationships.

When we shift our focus from surviving to thriving, we not only cultivate emotional resilience but also open ourselves to a richer, more fulfilling life. It’s in this beautiful transition that we discover our potential and deepen our connections with the world around us.

Thriving means embracing challenges as pathways to greater self-awareness and fulfilment, allowing us to emerge stronger and more capable than before.

What happens when resilience fuels creativity, and creativity strengthens resilience? In this 4 week journey, we’ll explore the dynamic relationship between these two powerful forces. From understanding the foundations of inner strength and creative potential to applying them in your daily life, this course will empower you to navigate challenges, spark innovation, and lead with purpose.💫

Through inspiring stories, hands-on practices, and deep reflection, you’ll build emotional and mental resilience, unlock creative problem-solving, and craft life tools that sustain adaptability and possibility. 

This course  will help create space for growth, collaboration, and agency in your life.. Are you ready to harness your resilience and creativity to transform your life?

March 2025 Tuesday 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th 
19:00 - 21:00 ( CET )

#creativehealing #Creativity #resilience #innerstrength #navigatechallenges #inspiration #reflection #growth #transformation

What happens when resilience fuels creativity, and creativity strengthens resilience? In this 4 week journey, we’ll explore the dynamic relationship between these two powerful forces. From understanding the foundations of inner strength and creative potential to applying them in your daily life, this course will empower you to navigate challenges, spark innovation, and lead with purpose.💫

Through inspiring stories, hands-on practices, and deep reflection, you’ll build emotional and mental resilience, unlock creative problem-solving, and craft life tools that sustain adaptability and possibility.

This course will help create space for growth, collaboration, and agency in your life.. Are you ready to harness your resilience and creativity to transform your life?

March 2025 Tuesday 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
19:00 - 21:00 ( CET )

#creativehealing #Creativity #resilience #innerstrength #navigatechallenges #inspiration #reflection #growth #transformation

Resilience and Creativity
4 week online training 
March 2025

Get in touch: samantha@samantha-claire.com

#community #breathwork #creativity #resilience #creativityishealing

Resilience and Creativity
4 week online training
March 2025

Get in touch: samantha@samantha-claire.com

#community #breathwork #creativity #resilience #creativityishealing

I am very curious to hear your comments on what creativity looks like for each one of you👇

#creativity #truth #vunerabllity #daretodream #creativehealing #creativityishealing

I am very curious to hear your comments on what creativity looks like for each one of you👇

#creativity #truth #vunerabllity #daretodream #creativehealing #creativityishealing

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(+45) 28 18 18 40